Welcome to Conway.Life !

 TreFoil Knot

Here we feature the Latest Developments in Conway's Game of Life.

Watch an entire screen filled with the Most Amazing Things you never saw in the CGoL Universe !

The video above barely plays on my machine with four gigs of RAM.
So here are some links : Telegraph/LoaferPrinter - PulsarPixelDisplay - FoxeoBitMapPrinter - BitMapPrinter - ScrollingLoGoBanner - GollyOnline to play the Patterns.


Conway.Life :

This is a Video Web Site -

Dedicated to the Memory of

John Horton Conway

who was taken from us by covid 19
on the 50th Anniversary of his famous
Conway's Game of Life.

He will be sorely missed, and his many contributions will be a lasting legacy

Thank You for visiting our website -

introducing Conway's Game of Life.

We want to make this the video website,

your go-to video resource for everything

related to Conway's Game of Life.

Please be sure to go to our Links Page

to get to ALL Our Great Stuff !

Thanks again for stopping by, and please,

Send Us Your Thoughts !

Email : foxeo@ymail.com

Thank You for Visiting !